Meet our founder Pastor
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Rev. Asfaw Bekele's journey is truly inspiring and a testament to his unwavering faith and dedication to spreading the Gospel. His life and ministry reflect a deep commitment to serving God and impacting lives across the globe. Here’s a summary of his remarkable contributions:

1. **Early Calling and Education**:  
   Rev. Asfaw Bekele was called into ministry in 1985 and pursued his divine calling by studying in Kenya, Italy, and Canada. He graduated from Tyndale Bible College & Seminary, equipping himself with the knowledge and spiritual foundation to fulfill his mission.

2. **Church Planting and Leadership**:  
   As an ordained minister within the Evangelical Christian Church of Canada, Rev. Asfaw has been instrumental in planting and strengthening churches across Canada. His pioneering efforts have led to the establishment of numerous congregations, including Zion's Glory Church in Vancouver, which stands as a beacon of faith and community.

3. **Spreading the Charismatic Movement**:  
   Rev. Asfaw played a monumental role in spreading the charismatic movement in Canada, bringing renewal and spiritual vitality to many believers. His teachings and leadership have inspired countless individuals to deepen their relationship with God and embrace the power of the Holy Spirit.

4. **Global Impact**:  
   His ministry has transcended borders, influencing pastors, bishops, and church leaders around the world. Many who have come out of his teaching ministry are now actively doing God’s work, carrying forward his legacy of faith and evangelism.

5. **Passion for Missions**:  
   Rev. Asfaw has a heart for missions, particularly for reaching the unreached people of Ethiopia. His vision extends beyond Canada, aiming to bring the Gospel to those who have yet to hear it, demonstrating his global perspective and commitment to fulfilling the Great Commission.

Rev. Asfaw Bekele’s life is a powerful example of how God can use one individual to impact countless lives and communities. His dedication to church planting, teaching, and missions continues to bear fruit, inspiring generations to walk with the Lord and spread His love to the ends of the earth. May his story encourage others to answer God’s call and serve with the same passion and faithfulness.

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